This is our digital agency, and it’s permanently under construction. 

It’s a small 2-people operation where we roast brands and redesign them into brands with purpose so that they can grow without dead weight. We usually follow-up creating a website and supporting with marketing strategy and communication.

And to this day, it’s free to meet with us if you need help. 

There’s none.
Our skin burns if a camera is recording us. It’s our main weakness. This is the reason why we can’t allow ourselves to be posted on social media.
Our single investment in marketing is to do the best we know, so you love us and recommend us.
And if you’re here, it worked. 

You have seen that we design brands and websites with purpose.

Usually the purpose is to sell something. A product, an idea, or free content you want your audience to consume.

And that’s right, we do that. I’d say it’s our core.

We make businesses communicate and ultimately sell (better) online.

To do it, we use a wide range of knowledge, tools and expertise.

Here’s a summary of the paths we can help with:


  • Branding and visual identity
  • Impact and annual reports
  • Marketing mats, print production


  • Digital process automation
  • Data dashboards for management
  • Data and web analytics


  • Website design and development
  • User experience and conversion
  • Social media advertising
  • Copywriting


Newbie spotted! Everyone smile! 🤪

Just saying because 99% come to us from a recommendation of another client. So they rarely ask for this.

They have already seen a client’s website, or report, or brand, or communications. They liked it, so they follow the breadcrumbs here.

That’s why there’s no portfolio.

For these cases, we do things a bit different. House rules.

First we meet.

And only if we both feel we’re a match, then we will send you a proposal for whatever is you need.

That proposal will include links with examples of similar cases for you to see.

If there’s no match, there’s no need for you to be snooping around, is there? 😄

There’s an extra reason for this, if you really want to know.
I’m lazy.
I just don’t want to bother spending time to create a portfolio page for eeeeeevery single project we do and keep the website updated.
Similar reason why we’re not posting content on socials.
We think our time is more valuable when we’re helping clients, not when we’re doing our own marketing.

Money, love and health.

  • To build wealth based on our own worth.
  • “Never work with friends and family.” We are risk-takers: living and working under the same roof. We complemented each other, so it just made sense. And it’s going great. 
  • Traveler attitude. Enjoy life whether we’re working or not. To achieve that we needed to make our own rules. 

Some call that a lifestyle-business.

We do want to make money, but only if it comes with us having fun and fitting our own rules.

This definitely has a good implication for you.

We always deliver more than what you pay for. 

I’ve always been a designer.
When I was 7 I often asked my dad to make a doodle in my notebook. Always something random and different.
I then carried on creating from those weird lines and spent countless hours.
I was looking for constant challenge.
From graduating in 2012 I have designed high-end tech towels, hundreds of assets both printed and digital, and even world championship new motorbike communications.
In 2017 I left Barcelona seeking an adventure, and became a freelance graphic designer.
Since then I’ve worked with some big-ass brands and created others from scratch to help small businesses to have an impact.
In 2021 I started BlowUp with Axel, where we challenge ourselves to have fun for a living.
I was an Industrial Engineer in 2013. I designed automotive production lines. I designed machines and robotic lines and simplified processes so that we made less mistakes.
It was fun, but it wasn’t my thing.
When I got home I spent my free time learning how to build websites, discovering digital businesses and trying any new digital tool that caught my attention. I was a part-time geek.
In 2019 I was fed up and became self-employed providing social media advertising and digital strategy to small businesses.
In 2021 I started BlowUp joining my skills with Nerea’s, this thing you’re reading here. 
Being a full-time geek with our own business is a dream come true. 

Over the years we’ve worked with

Bubel Barcelona / Kawasaki Motors Europe / Vivir al Máximo / Provec Racing / Textil Santanderina / Instituto de Tráfico Online / Shift Design / Reach Up Youth / Peckham Platform / We are Fierce / Pirelli Motors / Instituto Pensamiento Positivo / Showa Parts Europe

We still work with many of them to this date.

In more recent years we have specialised in lots of social enterprises, charities, and arts-related businesses:

GirlDreamer / UNESCO UK / Commonwealth Games 2022 / Beatfreeks / Common Cause Foundation / Education is Special / Coach Kym / Tales to Inspire / Anisa Morridadi / Mochileros Sherpa / CASBA / Something to Say / RAAH / V100 / Not Now Collective / The Audience Agency / We Don’t Settle / Breathe / Aesthetically Amna / DHA Communication / Eastlight Community Homes / Groundwork / Mikayla Sinead / 729 / ConnectFutures / AVA Dance Company

We have never presented our work to any awards or competitions, so we just pat each other back ourselves.

We like to do things our way. 

We don’t do a lot of things. We are not that good.

But we know how to do a few things very well, and we focus on those. If that’s what you want, you’ll be very happy with the result and it will work great.

Let me give you an example.
Once in a while a client knocks here. We answer. They say they want a logo, but they “already know what they want”. Sometimes they even bring in a sketch.
At this point we already know we’re not going to be working together. 😅
Yeah, pretty much.
We will explain our process and suggest what they actually need. And they probably need a brand.
But they just want someone that knows Photoshop and generates the Z-shaped-banana they like so much.
In that case we can’t help. We won’t have fun, both with the project or with that person, so we won’t do it.
My mom still keeps the basketball trophies and taekwondo medals in the basement.
Best creative costume when I was 12 years old. I was a bio-yogurt. Those ones with free sugar.
Chosen folder design of the year in my uni days at Ramon Llull University. It was a representation of a tree made with typography, I called it treepography.
And a serious one.
Best tortilla de patatas in the entire UK.
You shouldn’t.
But no-one has died after chatting with us. Yet. 🙂
If you don’t trust us, meet us. We’re just humans. And then decide for yourself. We will do the same with you after all.
Or you can also check what others said:
Kym, Coach Kym

“3 more Nerea’s and I could rule the world.”

“I have been in design for over THIRTY YEARS and you are good, very good.

You truly “collaborate” – that means you understand the central idea, you understand what the client thinks they want to see but you also offer refinement or alternatives and not in an arrogant way. I have worked with so many designers that think they are God’s gift and come up with stuff that is good to look at but 100% NOT what was asked for.”

Martin Lambert, PR Kawasaki Motors Europe

“She produced something that completely exceeded our expectations. It’s actually something so unique that people to this day talk about.

She has this warm energy. Honestly, she is a dream to work with.”​​

Kiran, GirlDreamer

“OMG! We need to clone you, we have to duplicate you.”​​

Amna, GirlDreamer

“Nerea, my god send, you have smashed it out of the park again.

I LOVE them, I think they look vibrant and engaging and are in line with the brand.

Can’t thank you both enough for all of your hard work and super swift responses – dream team!”

Thea, Beatfreeks

“We need more Nerea’s in our team.”​​

Aimee, Reality About Humanity (RAAH​)

“We’ve been really blown away by her not just doing the things that we’ve asked for but challenging us and almost being a part and an extension of our brand.”​​

Anisa, Beatfreeks

“THESE ARE ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!!! (…) Thank you. And never forget, this all started with ‘Hi Nerea, nice to meet you, thanks for contacting me but I don’t think I need a logo’.

We are in the middle of creating something massive.”

“I am exhausting all of the words and vocabulary in my mind, because I keep repeating just how in love I am with this bloody website, but I don’t know how else to express my love, haha! You are jusssssst AMAZING.”

“I honestly am looking for a clone of you.”

Jeremy, Something to Say​
I started collecting these for those days I felt down.
But we don’t have them here to convince anyone.
We told you before. Meet us and make your own decision.
It’s down here.

You don’t know if we’re the right fit for you.

We don’t know if you’re the right fit for us.

Here’s the first step to find out.

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